Before any construction is done on your website it’s important to reserve your domain name (website address). As the internet has already been around for several years it’s possible that your preferred name has already been purchased by someone else. Think of 4-5 of your top choices for website addresses (ex: and we can let you know immediately which ones are available. If we find one that is available, it is important that we reserve that name immediately so no one else can take it. The cost to buy a domain name is currently running about $124.97 for 3 years of ownership. However, the prices for domain registration are continually changing so check with us for the latest special offering.

A very common question is, “How much does it cost to build a website?” The answer depends on a lot of variables. Costs for website development vary greatly on the complexity and size of the site in question. Websites containing just a couple of pages with basic descriptions and images cost less than large websites containing dozens of pages and complex features.

When you contact Cyber Design for a quote, try to have a general idea of the kinds of features you would like your site to have. We will listen to your needs, ask questions, make suggestions and give you a quote based on your ideas for the website. Don’t forget that websites are always adjustable, meaning you can start small and expand later and your needs develop. If you already have a website and would just like it “freshened up”, we can help you with that, also.

Once your website is built it will need to be maintained. For some sites this means weekly updates, for others it’s a more monthly or “whenever” schedule. Cyber Design can maintain your site for $60/hr.